Category: Nature

The night bird

How could it be that a bird is singing in the rain when it's dark outside?

/ 23.04.2012

At the bridge, St. Sergius Monastery

Water running down under the brige to the north of the Trinity Monastery

/ 11.01.2012

Snow sounds in nine varieties

Snow sounds in nine varieties. Звук снега: 9 образцов

/ 08.12.2011

Korovka pond, November night

A place on the verge of the town, so lively in summer and so desolate now

/ 20.11.2011

Power cuts off as rain gets heavy

Power cut off as rain gets heavy. Сильные дожди вырубили свет

/ 15.09.2011

Birchwood Grove, Sergiyev Posad

Somewhere between Grazhdansky and Uglitch area

/ 04.09.2011

Geese and ducks, Banniy Pond

The birds are reportedly nesting in the reed bed at the furthermost part of the reservoir

/ 02.09.2011